Application period open between March 1 - April 30, 2025.
As part of the Ellen Bachrach Memorial Fund's work to support research into blood disorders in children, we have chosen to contribute to the Lao Friends Hospital for Children in Luang Prabang, Laos.
Shamit Soneji at Lund University has received funding for his research project "Virtual reality systems for immersive explanations of childhood leukemia to patients and their families". A VR-based game designed to educate children about their health, the role of stem cells and the importance of following their treatment plans via interactive learning and games
With his research project, Erik Malmström at Lund University wants to enable earlier detection and treatment of sepsis in children with cancer.
The other week, we met with all of this year's grant recipients to hear more about their research projects.
Karin Mellgren's project is about increasing knowledge about complications after Hematopietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HCT) as 5-15% of patients who undergo HCT die due to treatment-related complications and even more suffer from side effects.
Young adult cancer survivors want more support and information about sexual health during treatment, and Anders Ringnér's project aims to improve the ability of healthcare professionals to discuss sexual health with young people being treated for malignant blood diseases.
It's time to present this year's research grant recipients.
For a week in July, three families with children in treatment were able to enjoy the summer on Öland together.
This year's application for research grants is now closed.
Thank you all for your participation!
We continue to support Kajsa Paulsson at Lund University for her research on chromatin structure and gene regulation in childhood leukemia.
A warm welcome on Saturday, April 13 at 15-16 to our spinning for a donation to Barncancerfonden's Spin of Hope 2024! You cycle, meet friends and the Ellen Bachrach Memorial Fund donates the gift.
Smaller grants, 5,000 - 25,000 SEK, can be awarded for projects, study trips and well-justified congress participation. For participation in congresses, it is not necessary to present or submit an abstract.
Application period open between March 1 - April 30, 2024.
Per Frisk of Uppsala University is one of this year's grant recipients.
Beneficiary Susanna Ranta at the Karolina Institute.
The application period for research grants opens on March 1, 2024.
Can VR help explain leukemia and treatment to a child?
Martin Enge at Karolinska Institutet is researching how to better predict the course of the disease in children who have relapsed from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
The Ellen Bachrach Memorial Fund continues to support Anna Hagström's project to research the cancer diagnosis ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, in infants.
Our research grant supports participation in the 65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition, USA for PhD student Anna Pia Enblad, Uppsala University.
Last summer, three families with children undergoing treatment were able to spend a week together on Öland.
Karin Enskär at Uppsala University is researching how to reduce fear and pain associated with medical procedures in children.
This year's research grant recipients are now available!
Applications for this year's research grants will soon be closed.
Many thanks to all participants!
The application period for grants is open from 1 March to 30 April.
On March 25, the Ellen Bachrach Memorial Fund will cycle for Spin of Hope 2023.
Easy to apply for small grants of 5 000 - 25 000 SEK.
On 1 March, we open the call for proposals for researchers.
Malin Lönnerblad at Uppsala University is researching children's school performance after leukaemia and lymphoma and the late complications that can show up, such as lower grades than peers.
Arja Harila researches toxicity as a significant problem for children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
Anna Hagström is researching intractable leukaemia in infants.
One of this year's recipients is Kajsa Paulsson at Lund University, who researches chromatin structure and gene regulation in childhood leukaemia.
Thank you to everyone who applied for grants for their research projects!
The Ellen Bachrach Memorial Fund would like to welcome three families to each ground floor apartment at this beautiful Ölandsgård near Mörbylånga.
A big warm THANK YOU!
Our application period for research and project grants is open from 1 March to 30 April.
We are now looking for grant recipients after 2022.
Jenny and Sofie are responsible for operations.
Music therapy as a treatment method. The play therapy at the paediatric oncology at Skåne University Hospital is awarded the last grant of the year.
Today we launched the opportunity to donate with Swish.
Why we made the decision to become more active and how we think about the future.